Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Marvelings

I wiggle my toes in the sand and inch towards the edge of the pond. I expect the murky water to be cold, but to my surprise it's quite warm. As I step in further, the water laps at my ankles. The liquid feels so good on this hot Memorial Day. As I move in deeper, the water closes in around me. I lie back, feeling weightless as I float on the surface of the pond. For what seems like hours I lie there, seeing nothing but the fluffy white clouds moving in the bright blue sky above me. I close my eyes, and for a few moments I forget that I'm even in the water. Instead, I feel like I'm floating above the ground. A fish nibbles at my toes, startling me out of my daydreams. I turn my head and my eyes skim the surface of the rippling water. The sun causes the waves to shimmer as a dragonfly flits by my hand. It pauses for a moment, looking at me. I must look quite funny lying here. The insect moves off into the reeds at the shoreline. I hear voices behind me. As I turn over and swim slowly back to the shore, I marvel at the wonder of God's creation. If only we took more time to slow down and observe it, we would realize how truly awesome is our God!

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