Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homeschoolers...and love

No, this is not a post about homeschoolers in love. These two things are completely unrelated for the purpose of this post. Sorry to disappoint :P 

This guy cracks me up! And most of the things he says are so true :) 


  1. "They hear homeschool and they think that you live on a farm."

    Um. **shifty eyes**

    Worst case scenario.

  2. O! And I love what he says about love vs. like. I've been thinking about that lately. Love is so superficial now. So thin. Anything qualifies as love! But if we really, REALLY knew love, the profound with which Christ loves us, maybe we wouldn't love shopping. Or movies. Or sushi. Or soap. Love is something we strive to show! Something we work at becoming.

