Saturday, June 18, 2011

Peter and Angela | Gender Announcement Pictures

Peter and Angela were so very excited to find out that they were expecting TWINS! But then came the difficult part; whether or not to find out if they were having boys or girls or one of each. 
After much debate, they finally decided to go for it, so we did a quick photo shoot the day after they found out so that Angela could use the pictures to make an announcement on her blog.

We started out with a few pictures of the joyfully-expectant mommy . . .

And then we let the awesome daddy-to-be join in!
They are such a fun-loving couple!

1 comment:

  1. my, how I've grown since then. . .amazing!

    I think the kissing one is still my favorite, though I like the second to last one too, of him kissing my belly.

    Thanks so much for doing this for us! <3
