I love, love, LOVE hanging out with my girlfriends. We laugh together, cry together, eat pizza together... :P
But I gotta say, that as much as I love my girlfriends, I couldn't imagine having ONLY female friends. I have been so blessed to have a lot of great guys in my life. Pictures below are a few of the guys that God has put into my life. Some are cousins, others friends that I met in various places, one is my "blood brother." Some I see often, some are out of state and I miss very much, some away at college (and miss them too, of course). Whatever the case may be, I'm so thankful for each and every one of them!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Blessing #12- 50 Years!!!
As I've mentioned previously, everyone on Mom's side was in town this past week and we celebrated my Grandpa and Grandma Sevcik's (pronounced 'sev' as in severe + sick) 50th anniversary! It was a wonderful week of fellowshipping together, playing games, laughing, talking, etc. I gotta tell you all; my family is seriously the coolest :P I never laugh so hard as when I'm with them!
Grandpa and Grandma's story is something else. They met on July 11th of 1960 when Grandma was 18 and Grandpa was 22, almost 23. The day she met him she said that "Tom seems like a pretty neat guy." She told us that the first thing she noticed about him was his red curly hair. On July 15th, they went on their first date. Grandma told us that they went to an outdoor show and she was really cold, so she snuggled up against his shoulder to keep warm, and he musta been wondering what kind of girl she was! Grandpa recounted that after the first date he was pretty hopeful that there would be a second date. Grandma recorded in her journal between July and August that the more time she spent with Grandpa, the more she saw him as someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She said that she couldn't find anything wrong with him!
On August 11 of the same year, just a month after they'd started dating, Grandpa asked Grandma if she would like to spend the rest of her life with him as his wife and the mother of his children. Of course, she said yes! Earlier on Saturday, my Uncle Joe had called my Great Grandma Beers and asked her some questions regarding Grandpa's proposal. She recounted that they had been standing in the kitchen when Grandpa had asked if he could marry Grandma. Grandma Beer's response was "Well, if that's what she wants. But she's fickle." If you know my Great-Grandma, you know that she's got a lot of spunk, even now at the age of 96, and that's definitely the kind of thing she'd say!
Ann Beers became Ann Sevcik on December 3rd of 1960. The night before the wedding Grandma recorded in her journal that she had no doubts about becoming his, and it all seemed surreal.
After their time on the hot-seat answering questions, Grandpa announced that they had a surprise for us. Boy did they!!! I can't describe it well enough in words and pictures, so here's a video =) I apologize for the shakiness of the video, but I got a little emotional ;)
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Cole wearing a finger puppet :) |
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DINNER!!!! |
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<3 Aren't they adorable??? <3 |
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best buddies! |
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Some of the girlies! |
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The cake with the original cake topper. |
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Mike and Amy |
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Luke trying to lick the butter off his lips... |
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I LOVE HER!!!! |
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Uncle Raymond and his camera :D :D |
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Luke with that mischievous grin. |
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He was being such a stinker and scrunching up his eyes whenever I tried to take a picture, |
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The dudes :) |
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<3 <3 <3 |
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That looks says it all! 50 years and still so in love :) |
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I love to see my Grandpa laugh! |
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The getaway car. |
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Blessing #11- My Aunt Mindy
This week has been such a blast with family in town. My Aunt Mindy, Uncle RAymond and their family were hanging out at our house all week, and I was happy to be able to spend a good deal of time with Aunt Mindy.
I'd never been Black Friday shopping before, and Aunt Mindy was determined to change that. So at 11:30, she and I headed to Old Navy where we waiting in line in the rain and cold for 10 minutes (we were pleasantly surprised that they let everyone in the store at once!) to purchase warm pajama pants at cheap prices. After we finished our shopping we headed out to the car only to discover that I had left my keys in my purse which was under the driver's seat. RAther than getting upset with me, she ran inside and found the lady we had been standing in line with to borrow her cell phone (ours were in our purses in the car). Then when I realized that one of the back doors might not be locked, she ran (literally ran) all the way out to the back of the parking lot and all the way back to tell me that the door was unlocked- what a relief! Then we headed out to Walmart where we fought the crowds to look for a few Christmas gifts. After Walmart we went to the outlets where we searched for a parking space for 15 minutes and then only went to 2 stores because it was so rainy and crowded. We got home with our newfound treasures around 2:45. It was a blast and I hope to do it again next year.
Aunt Mindy is such an encouragement to me. She's a nurse, so she knows how crazy nursing school can be and we were able to talk about it in the car on Friday morning. She knows how difficult it can be when all your friends are getting married and you are in school and feel like you're ready to be married and moving on with your life as well (although, she had it harder than me as she was in a 4 year nursing school and I'm only in for 2 :D). She has back pain all the time because of a bulging disk and then a failed back surgery, but she rarely complains about it even though we know that it's difficult for her. She has such a sense of humor and all the little guys love her. She picked up a ping-pong paddle yesterday and was playing with little Olivia who had an absolute blast! This evening on hour drive home from my aunt and uncle's, she was quoting lines from The Princess Bride, and joined Grace and Ian in their hunt for Christmas lights, even going so far as to yell every time she saw another display. She's a great example in my life of a godly wife and mother, and I love her to death!
So, to Uncle Raymond, Jonathon, Hudson, and Emily; I know you read my blog. Don't EVER take her for granted; she's amazing (though I'm sure you all know it)!!!!
I know I'd promised pictures and such from last night, but again I don't have time...tomorrow I'll hopefully get that all up.
And just as a closing note; if I haven't mentioned you specifically in my 14 Days of Thanksgiving, it certainly doesn't mean I'm not thankful for you. There are countless other things that I'm thankful for; I mentioned my dad but not my mom, whom I am very thankful for as well. I mentioned my Aunt Mindy but none of my 5 other aunts or any of my uncles; I'm very thankful for all of them too. I'm simply writing as each day brings new blessings.
I'd never been Black Friday shopping before, and Aunt Mindy was determined to change that. So at 11:30, she and I headed to Old Navy where we waiting in line in the rain and cold for 10 minutes (we were pleasantly surprised that they let everyone in the store at once!) to purchase warm pajama pants at cheap prices. After we finished our shopping we headed out to the car only to discover that I had left my keys in my purse which was under the driver's seat. RAther than getting upset with me, she ran inside and found the lady we had been standing in line with to borrow her cell phone (ours were in our purses in the car). Then when I realized that one of the back doors might not be locked, she ran (literally ran) all the way out to the back of the parking lot and all the way back to tell me that the door was unlocked- what a relief! Then we headed out to Walmart where we fought the crowds to look for a few Christmas gifts. After Walmart we went to the outlets where we searched for a parking space for 15 minutes and then only went to 2 stores because it was so rainy and crowded. We got home with our newfound treasures around 2:45. It was a blast and I hope to do it again next year.
Aunt Mindy is such an encouragement to me. She's a nurse, so she knows how crazy nursing school can be and we were able to talk about it in the car on Friday morning. She knows how difficult it can be when all your friends are getting married and you are in school and feel like you're ready to be married and moving on with your life as well (although, she had it harder than me as she was in a 4 year nursing school and I'm only in for 2 :D). She has back pain all the time because of a bulging disk and then a failed back surgery, but she rarely complains about it even though we know that it's difficult for her. She has such a sense of humor and all the little guys love her. She picked up a ping-pong paddle yesterday and was playing with little Olivia who had an absolute blast! This evening on hour drive home from my aunt and uncle's, she was quoting lines from The Princess Bride, and joined Grace and Ian in their hunt for Christmas lights, even going so far as to yell every time she saw another display. She's a great example in my life of a godly wife and mother, and I love her to death!
So, to Uncle Raymond, Jonathon, Hudson, and Emily; I know you read my blog. Don't EVER take her for granted; she's amazing (though I'm sure you all know it)!!!!
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my beautiful mother and aunt :) |
I know I'd promised pictures and such from last night, but again I don't have time...tomorrow I'll hopefully get that all up.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
BLessing #10- Legacy
Tonight the entire side of my mom's family gathered to celebrate my grandparent's 50th anniversary. 50 years later and they have 5 children, 4 sons- or daughters-in-law, 20 grandchildren living on this earth, one grandbaby in heaven, and 3 grandchildren-in-law. It's really amazing to see the generations (hopefully soon we'll add another *hint hint to Rob and Jaimie, Mike and Amy, or Kristy and Tyler* :) gathered together, and to see the Lord's faithfulness to us all.
I plan on posting pictures and more on this subject tomorrow...I'm ready to hit the sack now : )
I plan on posting pictures and more on this subject tomorrow...I'm ready to hit the sack now : )
Friday, November 26, 2010
Blessing #9- Family Game Nights
Everyone came over tonight for an easy dinner of subs, chips, and cookies. After we ate the boys (from the 20 year olds down the the 6 year olds) broke out the nerf swords and nerf guns and proceeded to chase each other around the house for an hour. It was quite amusing to watch and it looked like a dozen tornadoes went through the house by the time they were finished. The rest of us played a lively game of Buzz Word. Thrown in there were also countless games of ping-pong and air hockey. T'was great family bonding time spent laughing, yelling, and goofing off. I cannot begin to tell you all how much I love my family =D The memories I have of our family reunions are some of the best!
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there were also some video games going on most of the night. |
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Luke laughing at Uncle Gerald doing something funny. |
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Livi loved playing air hockey. |
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Uncle Joe intent on answering in Buzz Word. |
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hehe...don't ask...our family's a bit strange :P |
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it was amusing to see the older boys having so much fun with the little guys. |
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Coley taking cover from enemy fire. |
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Cole and Ian a little sweaty. |
laugh out loud,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Blessing #8- Six Weeks
November 25, 2006- the first day that my beautiful cousin, Baby Kate, spent with Jesus in glory. You may remember back in October when I told just a bit of her story (see this link).
Kate spent 6 weeks on this earth. 6 weeks where she was fighting for her life. 6 weeks of agonizing waiting. 6 weeks that we dreaded hearing the phone ring for fear it would be bad news. 6 weeks of crying ourselves to sleep. 6 weeks that changed our lives for forever. 6 weeks that we spent praying, hoping. 6 weeks that we would never take back, because those 6 weeks were her life. 6 weeks where God blessed us with Baby Kate before He took her home to Heaven. 6 weeks of life for a little cousin whom I never met, but whom I'm so very thankful for.
Kate spent 6 weeks on this earth. 6 weeks where she was fighting for her life. 6 weeks of agonizing waiting. 6 weeks that we dreaded hearing the phone ring for fear it would be bad news. 6 weeks of crying ourselves to sleep. 6 weeks that changed our lives for forever. 6 weeks that we spent praying, hoping. 6 weeks that we would never take back, because those 6 weeks were her life. 6 weeks where God blessed us with Baby Kate before He took her home to Heaven. 6 weeks of life for a little cousin whom I never met, but whom I'm so very thankful for.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Blessing #7- My Daddy
A year ago last night Dad was at a meeting, and Jacob was hanging out with his buddies at Quaker Steak N' Lube. Mom had put the little kids to bed and her and I had crashed in the TV room to watch Monk. At about 9:45 or so, the phone rang. It was Dad. He was on his way home from his meeting, and he said that he was having some mild chest pain and thought maybe he should go to the ER. Long story short, my parents decided that Dad would start towards Robinson hospital while Mom called her sister, who is a nurse. After talking to my Aunt Mindy, Mom picked up the phone to call Dad back and tell him she would meet him at the hospital.
I've never been as scared in my life as when I saw the look of panic on Mom's face when the phone kept ringing and Daddy didn't pick up. After phoning once more and getting no answer, I was almost hysterical. For all we knew, Dad's chest pain had turned into a major heart attack and he had careened off the road and crashed into a tree. I knew Mom was just as scared as I was, but she calmly decided that she would get in the car and start driving towards the hospital (Dad took the same route to the hospital as Mom was going to). She instructed me to go downstairs and bring her my cell phone, as hers was dead. I remember running down the stairs, almost yelling prayers to God to spare my daddy's life. I was trying to remember what the last thing I'd said to him was. I searched my room frantically but I couldn't find my phone. Tears streamed down my face as I searched through coat pockets until I finally found it. I ran upstairs and gave it to Mom. She hugged me and reminded me that God was in control. She left the house with instructions to continue to call Dad.
The phone rang 4 agonizing times before Dad picked up. I'd never been so happy to hear his voice as I was at that moment. He wasn't dead on the side of the road, he simply hadn't had reception, so he didn't receive our calls. He'd made it to the hospital safe and sound.
We found out on Wednesday that Dad had had a mild heart attack. The doctor said it was really just a fluke, that Dad's heart was one of the healthiest he'd seen. A cumulation of stress and caffeine had caused one of his small arteries to constrict. The doctors put a stint in and Dad came home on Thanksgiving! I'm so very thankful that he's here this Thanksgiving Eve :D
I've never been as scared in my life as when I saw the look of panic on Mom's face when the phone kept ringing and Daddy didn't pick up. After phoning once more and getting no answer, I was almost hysterical. For all we knew, Dad's chest pain had turned into a major heart attack and he had careened off the road and crashed into a tree. I knew Mom was just as scared as I was, but she calmly decided that she would get in the car and start driving towards the hospital (Dad took the same route to the hospital as Mom was going to). She instructed me to go downstairs and bring her my cell phone, as hers was dead. I remember running down the stairs, almost yelling prayers to God to spare my daddy's life. I was trying to remember what the last thing I'd said to him was. I searched my room frantically but I couldn't find my phone. Tears streamed down my face as I searched through coat pockets until I finally found it. I ran upstairs and gave it to Mom. She hugged me and reminded me that God was in control. She left the house with instructions to continue to call Dad.
The phone rang 4 agonizing times before Dad picked up. I'd never been so happy to hear his voice as I was at that moment. He wasn't dead on the side of the road, he simply hadn't had reception, so he didn't receive our calls. He'd made it to the hospital safe and sound.
my Daddy,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blum | Cleveland Wedding Photography
There's something about weddings that always gets to me. Even as a photographer who doesn't know the bride and groom very well, you can feel the emotion. The day is so special. It's not just a wedding, it's the day that two lives become one. With just 15-30 minutes time, a few simple words of instruction, and the uttering of "I do" two lives are changed. I always get the shivers when the end of the ceremony comes and the officient says "What God has joined together, let not man separate." It always has a solemnizing effect on me, but at the same time it is such a joyous occasion!
The weather in Cleveland last week could not have been better! It was a picture perfect day; bright and sunny and warm. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Blum are a really awesome couple and it was such a priviledge to be able to take part in their special day.

The weather in Cleveland last week could not have been better! It was a picture perfect day; bright and sunny and warm. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Blum are a really awesome couple and it was such a priviledge to be able to take part in their special day.

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