Wednesday, April 6, 2011


       "I really appreciate you, Ashley."
        I paused and contemplated the words for a brief moment before responding.  "I appreciate you, too."

       I lay in bed last night thinking about those words. We say we appreciate things, but what do we truly mean by that? Merriam-Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition:

ap·pre·ci·ate verb
\ə-ˈprē-shē-ˌāt, -ˈpri- also -ˈprē-sē-\
a : to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of
b : to value or admire highly
c : to recognize with gratitude

        As I've been pondering the idea today, I've been asking myself, "Do I really appreciate the Lord's blessings in my life? Do I truly grasp the nature, worth, quality, and significance of them? Do I value and admire them? And most of all, am I grateful for them? When I see the blessings that have been bestowed upon me, do I stop and praise the Lord for them, or do I simply blow it off as 'I deserved that for all my hard work'?"

       Much to my sadness, as I examined myself in this light, I found that I certainly do not appreciate the Lord's kindess and graciousness to me the way that I should. And I think that part of the reason for this is that I don't ponder His blessings enough. On the way to school this afternoon I began to list out loud the gifts that He has given me- He has placed me in a wonderful Christian family with parents who have taught me the ways of the Lord, and siblings whom I love very much. He has given me a wonderful church family who are such an encouragement. I have amazing friends who are such a blessing from Him. I live in a warm house, drive a fully-functioning car, and go to a good school.

       But most of all, I've been forgiven. Forgiven. Even if the rest were all to pass away, I've got that to cling to. I can claim the love of Christ and He has been gracious and merciful to me! As I thought of these things, I was filled with gratitude. If only I spent more time pondering this each and every day, I think I would appreciate it more. After all, can a person truly admire or value something that they don't think of? Does a man who has just inherited a great deal of money just lock it up in a bank and forget about it? Does a woman who has just given birth to a precious new child simply hand it over to the babysitter and go on with life as if nothing has happened? Certainly not. These people spend most of the moments of their waking time enjoying the thoughts of their new possessions. So why should I be any different? I've been given the greatest gift known to man! I should be pondering it and rejoicing in it every day!

       I'd encourage you all not take the Lord's mercies for granted. Put a note on your door or write a message on your hand to praise the Lord for His goodness. His gifts are much too precious to forget!!!

1 comment:

  1. ...thank you.

    This was a very good reminder. :)

    {Just as a side note, the first 3 lines in this post are the best, in my opinion. Beautifully written............... .............. ...........}
