The rest of the day was filled with phone calls to family, telling them the wonderful news- Grandpa told the little girl that she must be pulling his leg; in fact, most of the family thought it was a joke. But when it was explained that they were really, truly having a new baby there were many hugs, congratulations, and O such joy!
That day was such a happy one! I remember it like it was yesterday...and it's such fun to tell people that I got a baby sister for Christmas :D
The next 6 months were spent planning for the baby's arrival. Our whole family went together to the ultrasound and found out that Daddy was right- the newest addition was, in fact, a girl! Aunt Mindy, Uncle Raymond, and family came to visit in the spring, and Aunt Mindy threw Mom a surprise baby shower, which I, at 8 1/2 kept a treasured secret right up until the day of! Our family was showered with gifts and support...because it had almost been 9 years since the last baby entered our house, we had very few infant things. We had so many friends, and friends of friends who brought over clothes, toys, carseats, and other things for us to use. What a blessing!
Our Christmas package finally arrived on July 6th. She weighed 7 lbs, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long. When Jacob and I arrived at the hospital with our grandparents, it was almost like a dream. I held our little bundle of Grace in my arms as tears of joy streamed down my face. Our sweet baby was perfect from head to toe. The day that we had longed for, hoped for, and prayed for had finally arrived!

It's been 9 wonderful years since that day, and we praise God for giving us Grace. Sometimes I still marvel at the way that it happened- so much heartbreak and longing, and then so much joy! So here's to God's Grace; I love you so much, little sister, and I pray that you grow in your knowledge of Him every day! Have a wonderful birthday!

I cannot believe how big she has gotten. **sniffles**