As a little child I remember how I couldn't wait to grow up. I would read books that had characters in them who were 10 or 12 and think that they were oh-so-old. Now, looking back 12 seems like nothing :)
As humans, it seems we are always waiting for something. The next weekend or vacation. Christmas or birthdays. Summer or winter break. Then there are the more defined, once-in-a-lifetime things, such as becoming a teenager, beginning to drive, graduating high school, getting married, having a first baby, being a grandparent, etc. The possibilities are endless, and there is always something that we seem to be looking to the future for.
Unfortunatley, what I see in my own life is that while I'm looking forward to the weekend, I miss the precious moments that fall in between one weekend and the next. While I was waiting to drive, I missed out on many amazing sights from the car window. While I was waiting to graduate, there were so many times in my high-school life where God was blessing me richly, but I didn't even take the time to notice. It's almost as if I've wished parts of my life away because I have been too busy waiting for something else to happen. There are so many little things in our lives that get left unnoticed because life is just 'too eventful'; like when I left the house yesterday and my little brother ran up to me, gave me a big hug, and told me that he loved me. It was such a sweet moment but I was in such a hurry to get out the door that I really paid him no mind.
Now, mind you, I'm not saying that we should never look forward to anything. In fact, as Christians we are called to await the coming of Christ: "You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect (Luke 12:40, ESV)." But even while waiting for the return of our Saviour, we should not be like those who go into secluded places and sit and wait for His coming. Rather, we should live to the fullest every moment that God blesses us with. Take time today to stop and smell the roses and don't rush on with life. I can guarantee that if you hurry through life, always looking forward but never noticing where you are, you'll look back in 30 years and regret the little moments that you missed.
-Ashley Kate
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
VBS 2010 -Part II
Wow, wasn't sure I was actually going to have a "Part 2", but here it is :) (My computer has been crawling lately, so editing pictures takes forever).
Our VBS theme this year was "God's Green Earth." Noooo, we weren't teaching the kids to be treehuggers or anything like that :P Our main goal was to convey to the kids the wonder of the world around us. Unfortunatley, when most people see how amazing creation is, they worship the creation, thus we often hear phrases like "Save the trees!" What we wanted to show the kids instead was that creation ultimatley points us to a great Creator.
The week was a blast! We wrote our own lessons (something we've been doing ever since the youth took over the running of VBS, when I was 13), so each class had a little different lesson plans. On day 1, my class went over the days of creation, and the kids memorized what was created on what days. On day 2 I taught on the wonders of creation-we did a lot of hands on demonstrations of things such as the moon's effect on the tides, the earth's distance from the sun, animals instincts, etc. This was the kids' (and my) favorite day. It was basically things that we could tell others to demonstrate that there really is a Creator and all this could not have happened by chance. Day 3 we went over how man was created specially and is different than the animals. The kids learned that man was made in God's image, was given dominion over the then perfect world, and then feel into sin. On day 4 I taught on God's plan to "Save the people". This day was VEEEERRRRRYYYY interesting because one of the little boys in my class was Catholic and was adding his own opinions to the things that I was saying. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing for us to get into some discussions, but he didn't understand why I didn't agree with him, until he realized that the rest of us were not Catholic. Then the kids started talking about where they went to church and what denomination was better, haha. I was relieved to look at the clock and see that it was snack time. I held up my hand and said "You know what guys, God can save Presbyterians, Catholics, Baptists, and anyone else whom He chooses, so let's go for snacks!" :) On day 5 I taught on worshipping the Creator with our lives, and walking the walk even when it gets difficult.
So, enough of my rambling, here are some more pictures :D
My class singing the Ten Commandments song
Our new pastor (who was installed the Sunday after VBS ended) and his wife surprised us by coming to see the closing program :)
Our VBS theme this year was "God's Green Earth." Noooo, we weren't teaching the kids to be treehuggers or anything like that :P Our main goal was to convey to the kids the wonder of the world around us. Unfortunatley, when most people see how amazing creation is, they worship the creation, thus we often hear phrases like "Save the trees!" What we wanted to show the kids instead was that creation ultimatley points us to a great Creator.
The week was a blast! We wrote our own lessons (something we've been doing ever since the youth took over the running of VBS, when I was 13), so each class had a little different lesson plans. On day 1, my class went over the days of creation, and the kids memorized what was created on what days. On day 2 I taught on the wonders of creation-we did a lot of hands on demonstrations of things such as the moon's effect on the tides, the earth's distance from the sun, animals instincts, etc. This was the kids' (and my) favorite day. It was basically things that we could tell others to demonstrate that there really is a Creator and all this could not have happened by chance. Day 3 we went over how man was created specially and is different than the animals. The kids learned that man was made in God's image, was given dominion over the then perfect world, and then feel into sin. On day 4 I taught on God's plan to "Save the people". This day was VEEEERRRRRYYYY interesting because one of the little boys in my class was Catholic and was adding his own opinions to the things that I was saying. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing for us to get into some discussions, but he didn't understand why I didn't agree with him, until he realized that the rest of us were not Catholic. Then the kids started talking about where they went to church and what denomination was better, haha. I was relieved to look at the clock and see that it was snack time. I held up my hand and said "You know what guys, God can save Presbyterians, Catholics, Baptists, and anyone else whom He chooses, so let's go for snacks!" :) On day 5 I taught on worshipping the Creator with our lives, and walking the walk even when it gets difficult.
So, enough of my rambling, here are some more pictures :D
My class singing the Ten Commandments song
Our new pastor (who was installed the Sunday after VBS ended) and his wife surprised us by coming to see the closing program :)
The youngest class singing during the closing program
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
VBS 2010 Part I
As promised, here are some picture from VBS. More will follow hopefully soon :)
I apologize for the quality of these...the lighting in the church was AWFUL. Sooo, I had to put my camera on some settings that let in more light, while sacrificing clear photos...
Nevin in rec :)


A few of the younger helpers hangin' out

The Kobb boys...

...and Aden

My buddy Aliza Willeke <3
Ian and Hope...two of my favorite kiddos :D



We were so blessed to have Sarah Bryan back with us for day 1!

Nevin and Jacob; quite a pair :)
I apologize for the quality of these...the lighting in the church was AWFUL. Sooo, I had to put my camera on some settings that let in more light, while sacrificing clear photos...
Nevin in rec :)
A few of the younger helpers hangin' out
The Kobb boys...
...and Aden

My buddy Aliza Willeke <3
Ian and Hope...two of my favorite kiddos :D


We were so blessed to have Sarah Bryan back with us for day 1!

Nevin and Jacob; quite a pair :)

Monday, July 19, 2010
A Sweet Little Guy

Mom says we should have named him Isaac instead of Ian. Isaac means "laughter" and this little fellow can never keep a straight face. But then again, he managed to let me catch this shot of him not even smiling.
After Grace, I prayed again that God would give us another baby, but this time a boy. God answered our prayers and gave us Ian. No, it's not his birthday or anything, but I thought I'd dedicate a blog to him today, because he just amazes me everyday. He is the most thoughtful little boy I know. He tells me at least once a day how much he loves me, and how I'm the "best big sister in the whole wide world", although he makes sure to point out that Grace is also his big sister and she's the best too. He's been promising Mom ever since he was a tiny thing that he would never stop telling her he loved her, and so far he's kept that promise :)
Tonight we were out shopping, and Dad had promised Ian to buy him a new toy, instead of giving him money, for the tooth he lost last week. Ian got a Slinky Dog (from the Toy Story movies) and he was so excited about it. But he amazed me when we got back to the car and he asked me to open it. Instead of getting it out of the box and playing with it himself, he handed it to Grace, who really wanted to see it. He let her take her time with it, not demanding it back, but letting her enjoy it, and enjoying the fact that she was able to play with it. The whole way home they sat next to each other playing with Ian's new treasure, but I never once heard him call it his, or tell her that she couldn't play with it. And that's one of the things that I love about Ian; he's always sweet and kind like that :)
Alright, well that's all for tonight, but I promise I'll get VBS picture up soon...I've been procrastinating all weekend on getting them edited, but I started doing a few tonight, so I should have them up by the end of the week :)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Christmas In July
It was Christmas morning of 2000. Two messy-haired, wide-eyed youngsters bounced out of their beds and bounded down the stairs to wake Daddy and Mom. The sleepy parents rolled out of bed, and hurried the kiddos back up to their rooms, with instructions to wait there until the stockings were filled. When the call came to come down again, the children hurriedly opened their doors, but came to a halt as they surveyed the scene in the living room. Not two, but three stockings hung from their places. Daddy grinned, and Mom encouraged them to open up the smallest stocking. With puzzled looks on their faces, both of the youngsters removed a small wrapped package from the stocking and slowly took the wrapping off them. Their noses wrinkled and their brows furrowed as they looked down at the objects in their hands. A baby rattle and a tiny pair of socks; whatever would they need these for? They looked to their parents for help. Huge smiles were on the faces of Mom and Dad- they explained that there would be a new baby coming to this family. Tears flowed down the little girl's face- the tiny baby that she had prayed for ever since she could remember was finally coming! She'd dreamed of holding a new baby brother or sister- O, what a wonderful Christmas present! Daddy said that the baby was going to be a girl- no, there had been no ultrasound, somehow he just knew. He said that her name was going to be Grace, because God had been so gracious in giving them a baby, when they had almost lost hope that it would ever happen.
The rest of the day was filled with phone calls to family, telling them the wonderful news- Grandpa told the little girl that she must be pulling his leg; in fact, most of the family thought it was a joke. But when it was explained that they were really, truly having a new baby there were many hugs, congratulations, and O such joy!
That day was such a happy one! I remember it like it was yesterday...and it's such fun to tell people that I got a baby sister for Christmas :D
The next 6 months were spent planning for the baby's arrival. Our whole family went together to the ultrasound and found out that Daddy was right- the newest addition was, in fact, a girl! Aunt Mindy, Uncle Raymond, and family came to visit in the spring, and Aunt Mindy threw Mom a surprise baby shower, which I, at 8 1/2 kept a treasured secret right up until the day of! Our family was showered with gifts and support...because it had almost been 9 years since the last baby entered our house, we had very few infant things. We had so many friends, and friends of friends who brought over clothes, toys, carseats, and other things for us to use. What a blessing!
Our Christmas package finally arrived on July 6th. She weighed 7 lbs, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long. When Jacob and I arrived at the hospital with our grandparents, it was almost like a dream. I held our little bundle of Grace in my arms as tears of joy streamed down my face. Our sweet baby was perfect from head to toe. The day that we had longed for, hoped for, and prayed for had finally arrived!

It's been 9 wonderful years since that day, and we praise God for giving us Grace. Sometimes I still marvel at the way that it happened- so much heartbreak and longing, and then so much joy! So here's to God's Grace; I love you so much, little sister, and I pray that you grow in your knowledge of Him every day! Have a wonderful birthday!

The rest of the day was filled with phone calls to family, telling them the wonderful news- Grandpa told the little girl that she must be pulling his leg; in fact, most of the family thought it was a joke. But when it was explained that they were really, truly having a new baby there were many hugs, congratulations, and O such joy!
That day was such a happy one! I remember it like it was yesterday...and it's such fun to tell people that I got a baby sister for Christmas :D
The next 6 months were spent planning for the baby's arrival. Our whole family went together to the ultrasound and found out that Daddy was right- the newest addition was, in fact, a girl! Aunt Mindy, Uncle Raymond, and family came to visit in the spring, and Aunt Mindy threw Mom a surprise baby shower, which I, at 8 1/2 kept a treasured secret right up until the day of! Our family was showered with gifts and support...because it had almost been 9 years since the last baby entered our house, we had very few infant things. We had so many friends, and friends of friends who brought over clothes, toys, carseats, and other things for us to use. What a blessing!
Our Christmas package finally arrived on July 6th. She weighed 7 lbs, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long. When Jacob and I arrived at the hospital with our grandparents, it was almost like a dream. I held our little bundle of Grace in my arms as tears of joy streamed down my face. Our sweet baby was perfect from head to toe. The day that we had longed for, hoped for, and prayed for had finally arrived!

It's been 9 wonderful years since that day, and we praise God for giving us Grace. Sometimes I still marvel at the way that it happened- so much heartbreak and longing, and then so much joy! So here's to God's Grace; I love you so much, little sister, and I pray that you grow in your knowledge of Him every day! Have a wonderful birthday!

Monday, July 5, 2010
Just Hangin' Out
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