When we first moved to Charlotte, I was incredibly lonely. My life had changed drastically in a matter of weeks- I'd graduated from college, moved out of my parents' home, gotten married, and moved to another state. Even though married life was wonderful, it felt like my whole world had been turned upside down. There were many nights that I cried myself to sleep. I cried after every phone call with my mom. I cried when, for the first time, I missed one of my sibling's birthday parties and when I heard that my dad missed me so much that sometimes my mom found him in tears. I cried when my little brother told me he was going to play baseball and asked if I would come to one of his games. I cried when my big brother had his first girlfriend and I couldn't meet her.
My life was wonderful and awful all at the same time. At times I couldn't believe I could be so happy. At others, all I wanted to do was go home.
It took me a long time to realize that this could be home.
We didn't have to search for a church when we moved to Charlotte. Josh already had an internship ready and waiting for him at King's Cross Church. This was our church, but not my church. My church was back home, in Ohio. And it wasn't until I opened myself up to the possibility that this church could be mine that this place became home.
Looking back, I can't believe how far we've, I've, come.
We are experiencing community at King's Cross like I've never known before.
We have friends, old and young here.
These friendships. These people. I'm so incredibly thankful. Whether it's getting together for impromptu picnics behind the church, or late night games of Settler's of Catan, or learning a new song in worship on Sunday morning, or planning an outreach event together, I feel so at home here, in this community.
We are so very blessed.