We finally got wifi at the beginning of the week, so I'm happy to be able to share some pictures of our cozy apartment!
Soo, let's start with the outside-the brick one on the left is ours- we really love it :)
Once inside, if you go upstairs, you'll come to the guest room first...
I love this room. I haven't really figured out why yet, but I think it has something to do with the fact that it's decorated much like my old room in Ohio- a little taste of home, I guess.
Next is the upstairs bathroom which was really hard to get a picture of...but at least you get the idea despite the horrible lighting.
At the end of the hallway is our bedroom :) Josh has been amazing helping make this place feel homey- he hung all the curtains for me last week and it has pulled everything together so well!

Downstairs is our kitchen...
and the living room...
and lastly, the downstairs bathroom (the picture's of the mirror since it was basically impossible to get a picture in there!)...
Oh, and I almost forgot! We have a cute little patio out back that we really love!
It's cute and cozy and beginning to feel like home. Of course, that's made easier by the fact that I get to live here with my best friend!!!