A Mother’s Love
A mother, seated in a chair, her children gathered around. Smiles brighten their faces as they listen intently to the story she tells them. The smallest one sits on Mother’s lap, his chubby arms wrapped around her neck. The oldest child leans close to the chair, gazing with admiration into the face of the woman whom she adores. What a beautiful scene. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of most of today’s families. Nowadays, we have a frenzied mother trying to get her children ready to rush off to school or daycare in the morning, then speeding home from work in time to pick up the kids and throw a frozen dinner in the microwave. When mothers are away from home so often, others are raising their children. These children, the daughters especially, have lost an essential role model in their lives. Mothers need to refocus their priorities on those whom they have brought into this world.
Why do so many women leave their homes for full time jobs that keep them away from their families? The answer is usually quite simple; they want their kids to have better lives than their own. They want to be able to buy their children the newest toys, nicest clothes, and all the other things that their parents were not able to afford for them.
What many mothers fail to realize, however, is that what their children really need is the guidance and care that only a mother can give. There are exceptions that we cannot pass over. There are families who are having a difficult time providing food and clothing for their children. They are struggling to buy their children things that are essential to life. In these situations, it may be necessary for a mother to take on a job on weekends or evenings, but in many others, mothers can play more of a role in their children's lives than they do.
Jamaica Kincaid’s essay “Girl” describes what the role of a wife and a mother should look like. It tells of a mother instructing her daughter in those things that she needs to learn in order to marry and take care of her family. This essay show two things; the role of a mother in instructing her children, and the things that our daughters need to learn in order to be the mothers of the future who can take care of their families and raise their children well! In “The War Against Boys” by Christina Hoff Summers, the author tells of the aisles at a toy store. Girl aisles are full of things such as dolls, playhouses, and kitchen utensils. These things teach girls, even at young ages, the roles of women. At the age of 3, a little girl would most likely tell you that the mommy takes care of the baby. This little one sees things so simplistically, yet so beautifully.
Being a stay-at-home wife and mother is a wonderful thing! No matter how big or small a family is the children need their mother’s care and attention. The children can have someone there for them to help with their schoolwork, break up their little arguments, and make sure that their clothes match. They can feel her love for them. She can nurture a relationship with them, and help them to build strong relationships with others. A mother’s love cannot be replaced by or compared to any other earthly thing!
Unfortunately, many women feel pressured to join the workforce instead of staying home and tending to their little ones. They feel as if they will be looked down upon if they are keepers of the home rather than working women. It is true that many in our society would look on this with disdain, pointing out that the feminist movement has given the opportunity for women to work and that they should do so. However, mothers should be reassured that time that they spend with their children is well invested.
Instead of rushing around, to and from jobs, mothers need to slow down and focus on their children. Children have many cares and concerns and they need a mother to spend time with them. Children are the future of America; the future of the world. Investing time in children is investing in a bright future!